When we play

Information about South Western Little League seasons, and when we play.

We play two seasons.

Our first season is about training, Fall Ball. Fall Ball starts the beginning of September, and ends the week before Thanksgiving. Signups start every Friday night from 6 Pm to 8 PM, and  Saturday’s 10 Am until 2 PM every weekend in August. Signups are at the concession stand at Whispering Pines Park.

Our second season is Spring. This is the main season and more competitive. It’s when All Stars are selected at the end of the season. As well as the Tournament  of Champions in the Major Division (ages 9 through 12), and Senior division (ages 13 through 16). In the T Ball, ( ages 4 to 6) Coach Pitch, (ages 6 to 8) the Minor division (ages 9 t0 11) they do not have All-Stars in Little League.  Those divisions are where they sharpen their skills and become better players. The players learn techniques, and rules to become better players. Little League International determines the ages in each division and the players regardless of their abilities they stay within these age groups, regardless of talent mainly because of insurance reasons. The season starts in the middle of February, and runs through the first or second week of May. Signups are after News Years day if that happens on a weekend then signups start the following weekend. They are on Friday nights 6:00 to 8:00 PM, and Saturday’s 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM every weekend in January. Teams have two games a week the first game, somewhere between Monday and Thursday starting at 6:30 PM. The second game on Saturday. Games start at 9:00 AM with additional games following, game after game, until every team has played. It’s not possible to narrow down each team’s game time, until we know how many players sign up in each age division. This determines how many teams there will be in therefore setting the amount of games that will be played in each division. Length of games varies between age groups.

Tournament  of champions  are games played in the Major and Senior divisions. They follow the end of the season. Here the winning team from each park play’s all other parks winners in our district, (number 17) to determine the best team.

All Stars in Little League (Major & Senior Divisions only) are selected in a voting process (in Our league) by their teammates and coaches. This makes it completely fair. By having the kids involved, along with coaches to choose the players you simply can’t go wrong. Each year Little League International located at Williamsport PA, selects a day in June to have leagues announce there chosen All Star players. The Leagues are unable to announce these players until this date.  Sometime in June our teams will begin playing other local parks. Each team will play every other team in our district to determine the overall, best district team. That team will continue to play other districts in our area to determine the winning district team. The best district team advances to the Sectionals. The winner of sections will advance to the Regionals.  Regional winning teams play each other at Warner Robbing Ga to determine the State Champion. They proceed from there toward the goal of being the dream team to play in the Little League World Series in Williamsport PA!

 If you have other questions,  please send an email to swpslll@gmail.com and we will get back with you ASAP. Thank You have a wonderful day.

Information Officer 

Southwest Port Saint Lucie Little League

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