
SW Little League has made me a believer in so many ways and levels. I’ve been a part of SW for over 10 years I’ve made so many friends that I can call family. So many amazing people that give up there time for the greater good of the children in this community. Their love for this sport is more than passion. So many life long lessons, not only from the children but from the parents as well. I’ve learned that GIVING is the biggest reward in life. It has given me more memories than I can even remember, years and years of them.. Relationships with parents and kids that will never end. Kids that I have coached are coming back with their kids coaching and giving back to this Amazing baseball community called SW. I will always call this park home. Baseball is more than just a sport it’s filled with joy, pain, even anger at times watching your child succeed and fall on their faces. Lessons that I have learned that have helped me and what has made me into who I am today. Lessons I’ve used every day of my life. I will forever be grateful to SW Little League for helping me, help my son be the young man he is today for all the people that stepped into his life as friends and mentors guiding him to success, making him believe he can become successful and use baseball as his tool to get his college education and teaching him how important it is to help others and how gratifying it is to do just that. So thank you to all for the SW baseball community for the countless hours of there life that they have given up for this park. Forever Grateful, Martens Family

To send us your story, please send it to swpslll@gmail.com the leagues email. Thank you Dave Magers